
Links to come for media I’ve been depending on to inform me about neural nets and other advanced technologies and trends appear here.

On a daily basis I look at the Astronomy Picture of the Day, Refdesk for Wall Street Journal headlines, The New York Times web version, Techmeme, Slashdot and the futurology site on

I also have my Google News page personalized to show me, among other categories: machine intelligence, neural networks, deep learning, artificial intelligence, robotics, nanotechnology and neuroscience. I often look at similarly titled sites on reddit.

I have received the following enewsletters (N.B., some may no longer be publishing on a regular basis): Azeem Azhar’s Exponential View; CITY.AI’s Applied Artificial Intelligence; Venture Scanner Weekly’s Startup Landscapes, Data, and Research; O’Reilly Artificial Intelligence Newsletter; Artificial Intelligence Weekly’s Artificial Intelligence News; AZ State U, New America & Slate’s Future Tense; Wired’s Backchannel;’s Inequality this week; Sam DeBrule’s Machine Learnings; The Wild Week in AI, MIT Sloan Management Review’s Artificial Intelligence & Business Strategy, NYC MEDIA LAB/Data/AI/Machine Learning; Nathan Benaich’s newsletter!; The Intelligence Effect; and more…